

Do you have an invention in mind?
Everyone has a gadget they need.  Something that doesn't already exist.  If only we could get our ideal into stores.
But first we must:
  • Get our ideal fleshed out on paper or a 3D model we can view and see the concept in action.
  • Have a design team of engineers, consumers, and other experts review and give feedback for improvements.
  • Have a prototype made by a 3D printer.  Tweek the design if necessary.
  • Pricing decided on by consumers.
  • Production details decided; color, size, material used, etc.
  • Manufacture the product in high volume.
  • Website visibility for maximum sales.
  • Orders fulfilled to satisfied consumers. 

It's just not possible to do it all by ourselves and still keep our day jobs and steady paychecks.  
But now there is a way:

Quirky is a website devoted to bringing YOUR IDEALS to life.  All they ask for is a small percentage of the profits.  That percentage is then divided between everyone who helped get your ideal to market.  

Join Quirky today...